Studying online is a great way for those who live or work in the field to invest in their personal growth or professional qualification. More and more, the distance learning modality (DL) has been growing significantly in Brazil and worldwide.
Through an internet connection via satellite, it is possible to access all the educational content that the internet provides. It is possible to invest in undergraduate and graduate courses, specialization courses, English courses and much more.
In addition, it is also possible to find many courses that can be taken for free through the Internet. Studying online has many advantages and it is about the possibility of doing this, living in the countryside, with an internet connection via satellite, that we will talk today.
Distance learning ensures flexibility
One of the great advantages of studying online is that the EAD teaching modality is flexible in relation to the time and place where you will study.
From a satellite connection, you have access to all the material of any type of course that you want to do from anywhere and at any time, thus making it easier to reconcile work and study. You don’t have to keep to fixed schedules, you can study at your own pace, since the course materials and content will be available on the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Moreover, for those who live in rural areas, which are usually far away from universities and other educational institutions, the advantage is to be able to access the studies without having to travel for hours every day to the place where the course classes would be held.
Distance learning is cheaper
Another factor that makes studying online even more interesting is that, in general, distance learning courses cost less than those in traditional education.
In addition, it is possible to find free courses at the portals of large universities, including international educational institutions. This means that for those in rural areas, studying online is a way to invest in education with a smaller investment. Moreover, it is not only the prices of the courses that are lower.
Studying over the Internet with a satellite connection, those who live in the countryside also save with factors such as travel and food.
Variety of options
Studying online is also being in contact with an extensive range of available courses. The increasing demand of people for distance learning means that, every year, educational institutions also increase their supply of courses.
With a satellite connection, the rural dweller has access to various courses, from the most diverse degrees of education, such as undergraduate, bachelor, graduate, postgraduate, specialization and much more, in the most diverse areas of knowledge. In addition, you can find language courses, courses to learn musical instruments, extracurricular courses and several other types of courses.

Most of the bibliography indicated by the content of this type of course is available and can be accessed online, which also allows you to save money with the study material. Many education and teaching materials can also be found on the Internet, including free of charge.
Recognition of the diploma
Those who choose to study online need not worry if their diploma will not be recognized. The distance learning modality (DL) is recognized by the MEC, which also regulates this type of education. Distance learning courses are evaluated based on the same criteria as in-person courses by the Ministry.
An undergraduate or postgraduate distance learning course has the same workload, curriculum and content as face-to-face courses and the diploma obtained has the same value for the market as a diploma obtained in a traditional way.
However, it is worth mentioning that when choosing the educational institution where you intend to study, you should check if it has the recognition of the MEC and is accredited to offer distance learning courses.
It is possible to develop your skills
It’s not just because you’re going to study online that you’ll need to devote less time to the education process. If you choose to take an undergraduate, a postgraduate, or any other type of course, over the internet, you’ll need discipline and dedication.
In addition, those who want to study online need to learn strategies to manage their time properly and be able to focus on studies and maintain a good interaction with the class and the teacher, even if only through the internet, if applicable.
These factors make distance learning an even more positive option for those who live in rural areas, as it will contribute directly to the development of personal skills that are very important to act professionally.
Distance learning is inclusive
Distance learning proves to be an excellent tool to stimulate inclusion and access to quality education. Those who, for whatever reason, cannot attend classes at a face-to-face educational institution can now study online and benefit from this type of education.
In addition to accessibility for those with some kind of disability, distance learning is also an opportunity for those outside the large centers to receive quality education. This is the case of those who live in rural areas and, normally, would not be able to travel to an educational institution.
Studying online is also a way for people who need to work full time to reconcile their studies with their work more easily.
Now you know that studying online through the internet, using a satellite connection, is a possibility to be explored by those who live in the countryside to grow both personally and professionally.
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